Category: Reversing
100 points | 160 solves
Help! I purchased the license for a software called BestSoftware. However, I forgot the license key to it, could you help me?
My name is "seetf" and my email is "". Thank you!
For beginners:
We can use the linked JetBrains decompiler, dotPeek, to decompile C# programs, such as BestSoftware.exe
Looking at the source code, we can see the license key checker code:
public static bool CheckLicenseKey(string name, string email, string licenseKey)
string shA256 = Program.CalculateSHA256(name + "1_l0v3_CSh4rp" + email);
return licenseKey.Equals(shA256);
A valid license key for the name seetf
and email
is the SHA256 of
To calculate the SHA256, we can use online tools such as CyberChef or This gives us the hash (license key) 28F313A48C1282DF95E07BCEF466D19517587BCAB4F7A78532FA54AC6708444E