The resistance has successfully intercepted encrypted WiFi traffic from a Cyber-BOT believed to communicate with the HQ. It is your task as a security analyst and cyber expert to decrypt the traffic and find out if there is any valuable information about the communication.
First, we can open the file in Wireguard. As expected, since it is encrypted, we cannot make sense of the data:
To decrypt the traffic, we must first make sure that the data contains the 4-way handshake, which is needed for us to crack the key:
We can then crack the key using aircrack-ng
$ aircrack-ng -c pcap.cap -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Reading packets, please wait...
Opening pcap.cap
Read 892 packets.
# BSSID ESSID Encryption
1 18:A6:F7:2C:AC:DA CyBots WPA (1 handshake)
Choosing first network as target.
Reading packets, please wait...
Opening pcap.cap
Read 892 packets.
1 potential targets
Aircrack-ng 1.6
[00:00:00] 294/10303727 keys tested (1473.24 k/s)
Time left: 1 hour, 56 minutes, 33 seconds 0.00%
KEY FOUND! [ 0123456789 ]
Master Key : 48 CE BF FD 15 0D 75 B7 AB F3 2B 93 F4 25 34 5C
93 74 F0 F3 2C 60 DB 9F 30 AB D5 C2 9E 5C FF FD
Transient Key : EF 4F C4 2E 0D 12 0C 4C C4 D4 2E 93 E7 56 53 01
D5 B1 22 B4 4A 32 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
EAPOL HMAC : B7 DF 89 96 BD 55 04 7A 41 32 7D 8D 93 84 A4 E1
In this case, I used the rockyou
wordlist, provided with Kali.
Aircrack managed to get the key fairly easily – let's go back to Wireshark to decrypt the capture. First, let us enter the key into Wireshark, by going to Settings > Protocols > IEEE 802.11
For WPA, we enter key:SSID
– the key was cracked earlier, and the SSID can be found earlier:
Note: IP addresses redacted.
Then, we can look at the decrypted traffic. Upon inspecting it, we can find some HTTP traffic.
This looks like where we should be looking, but the flag itself isn't here. We can try visiting the source of the traffic ourselves: